Useful resources

By Mike Gledhill


The good news about using JSON is that it's well-documented and well-supported.
Here are a few useful resources which will help you.

Verifying your JSON strings

I can't say this strongly enough.
If you're writing your own code to generate JSON output, then it's essential that you test that your JSON strings are valid using the jsonlint website before attempting to write any code to read in the JSON strings.

Using JSONlint to verify JSON

When writing out JSON strings from your own code, it's very easy to miss a speechmark, square bracket or curly bracket.
It's much easier to identify such problems using JSONlint, rather than getting (for example) your iOS or JavaScript code to report such errors.

Creating a C# class from a JSON string

The json2csharp website provides a simple method of creating a C# class from one of your JSON strings.

Simply cut'n'paste your JSON string into the top window, hit the Generate button, and you'll get a C# class.

Testing a POST WCF Web Service

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