Tips, tricks and solutions for software developers.

Using RANK() and PARTITION BY in SQL Server

By Mike Gledhill

Let's start with a basic query.

Using Microsoft's Northwind sample database, the following script gets a list of Orders placed by a particular Customer, and which Employee placed each of those orders:

SELECT ord.OrderID,
  emp.FirstName + ' ' + emp.LastName AS 'Employee',
FROM Orders ord,
     Customers cst,
     Employees emp
WHERE ord.CustomerID = cst.CustomerID
AND ord.EmployeeID = emp.EmployeeID
AND ord.CustomerID = 'ALFKI'        -- We're just interested in this one customer
ORDER BY ord.CustomerID, ord.EmployeeID, ord.OrderDate DESC

This gives us the following six rows:

Without Rank

In these six rows, you can see that the Employees "Nancy Davolio" and "Margaret Peacock" placed two orders each. Supposing we now wanted to obtain just the most recent order per employee. How could we do this?

What we need to do is to add a RANK()..PARTITION BY statement. We can get SQL Server to examine each set of records with a distinct CustomerID & EmployeeID combination, and rank them, based on their order dates, with most-recent orders first.

SELECT ord.OrderID,
  emp.FirstName + ' ' + emp.LastName AS 'Employee',
  RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ord.CustomerID, ord.EmployeeID ORDER BY ord.OrderDate DESC) AS 'RankValue'
FROM Orders ord,
     Customers cst,
     Employees emp
WHERE ord.CustomerID = cst.CustomerID
AND ord.EmployeeID = emp.EmployeeID
AND ord.CustomerID = 'ALFKI'
ORDER BY ord.CustomerID, ord.EmployeeID, ord.OrderDate DESC

Notice how this line adds one extra column of ranking information. For each CustomerID & EmployeeID combination, the most recent Order is the record with a RankValue of 1.

With Rank

So, to get just the most-recent orders, we need to get a list of records with a RankValue of 1.

Unfortunately, we can't just add this RankValue value to our WHERE clause:

-- This script doesn't work, it'll throw a "Invalid column name 'RankValue'" error.
SELECT ord.OrderID,
  RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ord.CustomerID, ord.EmployeeID ORDER BY ord.OrderDate DESC) AS 'RankValue'
FROM Orders ord,
     Customers cst,
     Employees emp
WHERE ord.CustomerID = cst.CustomerID
AND ord.EmployeeID = emp.EmployeeID
AND ord.CustomerID = 'ALFKI'
AND RankValue = 1
ORDER BY ord.CustomerID, ord.EmployeeID, ord.OrderDate DESC

We need to wrap our entire SELECT into it's own sub-clause, the filter out the RankValue values from there:

    SELECT ord.OrderID,
         emp.FirstName + ' ' + emp.LastName AS 'Employee',
         Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY ord.CustomerID, ord.EmployeeID ORDER BY ord.OrderDate DESC) as RankValue
    FROM Orders ord,
         Customers cst,
         Employees emp
    WHERE ord.CustomerID = cst.CustomerID
    AND ord.EmployeeID = emp.EmployeeID
    AND ord.CustomerID = 'ALFKI'
) tmp
WHERE RankValue = 1
ORDER BY tmp.CustomerID, tmp.EmployeeID, tmp.OrderDate DESC

And this gives us the most-recent Order, for each CustomerID & EmployeeID.

Filter by Rank

So, my rule of thumb when it comes to using SQL Server ranking is to:

  • write your SELECT statement first, to get all records which might be relevant
  • add a RANK column, and check that the rank values are working as expected
  • then put your SELECT into a sub-query, and filter by the Rank value

Useful links

Sample "Northwind" database for SQL Server 2008

Sample "Northwind" database for SQL Server 2000/2005
This installs the .mdf and .ldf database files into the directory:   C:\SQL Server 2000 Sample Databases
